Greeting Of CEO

  • Company Overview
  • Greeting Of CEO
Logistics Outpost Center on
the Southeast Korean Cost,

In accordance with government policy in pursuit of a logistics hub in Northeast Asia,
MASAN I-PORT Co., Ltd. is constructing a multipurpose terminal equipped
with a 980m berth facility and the latest unloading equipment
in Masan Bay adjacent to Busan New Port.

Using private capital, 5 enterprises including Hyundai Development Company,
the provincial goverment of Gyeongsangnam-do, and Changwon city are joining
as investors in this construction project.

We will build up a state-of-the-art logistics base serving not only Asian, but also global
trade by taking advantage of this location's proximity to Busan New Port,
through Machang Bridge connecting Masan and Changwon, and the area's designation as
a port free trade zone in connection with a logistics complex scheduled to be constructed in
th terminalk back-up area.

CEO Lee Jong-Won